Mosaic Makers Collective

Mosaic Makers Collective is a shop featuring female artisans in the Bishop Arts neighborhood of Dallas. Branding and content strategy were developed to establish Mosaic as the go-to location for a dedicated group of shoppers who believe in buying local and love to find unique goods with a story behind them.

The discovery process led to a content strategy centered around four brand keywords: colorful, community, handmade, and modern. All subsequent design decisions stem from these words.

A geometric logo mark communicates the collaborative and creative aspect of the shop, forming two subtle ‘M’s. The mark is combined with a colorful geometric pattern to create a flexible visual branding system. The visual brand is extended through use of linear black shapes paired with colorful geometric solids.

Brand Moodboard for Mosaic Makers Collective by Alex George Hughes Design

The Mosaic visual brand is made up of linear black shapes paired with colorful geometric solids. These elements can be paired together in different ways. A mood board was created to show examples of how to pair these elements for a flexible and cohesive visual brand.

In addition to a logo mark and typefaces, brand guidelines were provided to ensure consistency and variety in the application of the branding system. Guidelines around written content, photography, product photos, and more build a strong brand by consistently tying back to the three chosen keywords.