Massey Custom Designs & Services

Brand Keywords

Massey Custom Designs & Services is local custom woodworking business located in North Texas. They specialize in custom furniture and product design with an emphasis on quality and craftsmanship. Their mission was distilled into three brand keywords that formed the basis for the visual branding:

Deep knowledge of traditional techniques and commitment to quality results in craftsmanship that is authentic, sturdy, and reliable.

Massey Custom Designs enables its clients to realize their creative visions by building quality custom furniture pieces that become family heirlooms. 

Commitment to running a business based on hard work and good values leads to authentic and meaningful relationships with clients.

diamond shaped logo for woodworking company
woodworking brand moodboard with color and texture examples

Brand color and texture moodboard

Colors and Textures

Blues are complementary to warm colors, and will highlight the rich color and texture of the wooden materials and product photography. 

alternative logos in blue, white, and turquoise

Alternate logos